Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yoga Mission: Sutra of the Day

Recently, I've been getting further and futher away from the heart of yoga, which in the past has been a spiritual anchor for me. Many people find solace in the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, others the Koran, still others have their own set of beliefs. I would say that I fit into this last category, which I think includes the best of all of the above.

But in the past, yoga has helped me create a synchronicity between mind, body, and spirit that helps me feel aligned with my purpose and the universe. Lately, the cooperation between these different parts of myself has been pretty off.

So, I've decided to return to the "bible" of yoga, Maharishi Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, in this case as interpreted by Mukunda Stiles. It's only one of MANY interpretations, but it's very boiled down, making it easy to absorb.

By blogging about each Sutra, threads woven through four chapters of text, I hope to share my own interpretation for application in the modern world as I rediscover its power.

Thanks for reading. Namaste :)

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